Thursday, September 10, 2009

Divorce "Tip of the Day:" Kill 'Em With Kindness!

What should you do if you want to have an uncontested divorce, but your angry, incorrigible spouse, "Sluggo," keeps "pushing your buttons" with insult after insult?
The simple answer is.....Kill him with kindness, that is, at least until the ink of his signature on your divorce settlement agreement is dry!
Generally, the only way you can get an uncontested divorce in Georgia is if both parties will cooperate and sign all the divorce documents. So, if you give in to a "hissy fit" and trade insults with Sluggo, then it may become impossible to get him to sign anything! Yet, in many cases, getting an uncontested divorce is to your advantage: An uncontested divorce will save you (both) a lot of time, hassle, and money.
So, at least for now, please don't argue; instead, just smile, bite your tongue, breathe deeply, and hand Sluggo an ink pen!

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