[Photo from users.rowan.edu] |
Do you remember the classic 1960's song, "It's Your Thing," by the Isley Brothers? If so, then you will recall that the song's lyrics essentially suggest that, because it's "your thing," then you can "do what you wanna do" and "sock it" to whomever you want and, presumably, whenever you want!
But is this song really true in all situations? More particularly, is it really "your thing," during a divorce, and can you "sock it" to whomever you want, and whenever you want, even before your divorce is final? In other words, is it okay to cheat, or commit adultery, even before the ink on your divorce decree is dry?
As divorce lawyers in Augusta, Georgia, in our opinion, our plain, simple answer to this important question is "NO!" It is NOT okay! In other words, generally speaking, (and from a legal standpoint), in a Georgia divorce, it is NOT okay to cheat, or date, or commit adultery, or run around, or do "your thing" until after your divorce is final! There are too many potential ramifications and too many potential adverse consequences, of cheating, to discuss here. Be sure to consult with your own divorce attorney. But a couple of examples should suffice.
For instance, proof of cheating, even long after the separation, might tend to support your spouse's claim that adultery also occurred before the separation. In addition, if you are out partying and "running around" while the divorce is pending, it could potentially have an impact on the issue of which party would make the best custodial parent in a child custody battle. Again, talk with your own divorce lawyer about this issue!
Look, as divorce attorneys, we realize that you are, in reality, going to "do what you wanna do." But our job, as divorce lawyers, is not to slap you on the back and approve everything you "wanna do." Our role is to provide information and sound advice, even if it is not what you want to hear.
Can you imagine my surprise when I recently read another divorce lawyer's blog in which that divorce attorney essentially suggested that it is okay to cheat during a divorce?! Actually, the lawyer basically suggested that it is okay to cheat before your divorce is final, but just don't get caught!
Well, you won't hear that same advice, or opinion, at the Goolsby Law Firm, LLC! As you know, we are divorce lawyers in Augusta, Georgia -- in the heart of the Bible Belt. Maybe things are handled differently in divorce cases in other places. And maybe it is okay to do "your thing" in other jurisdictions.
But in Georgia, if you are going through a divorce, again, you should discuss the potential impact of adultery on your divorce with your own divorce lawyer. And, if you ask us, from a legal standpoint, while it may be "your thing," you shouldn't "do what you wanna do," until after the divorce is final.